MKsports-Hainan Party Secretary Liu Cigui: There are discussions online about opening casinos and engaging in gambling, which is absolutely not allowed


October 13th was exactly half a year after General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the conference celebrating the 30th anniversary of Hainan’s establishment as a province and a special economic zone. From October 13th to 15th, Hainan held a special training course for leading cadres to re-mobilize and re-deploy the vast number of party members and cadres in the province, and to further study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “4.13” important speech and the spirit of the Central Document No. 12. Liu Cigui, Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, gave the first coaching report.

On October 17, the Hainan Daily published Liu Cigui’s speech on October 13, “Ten Points of Understanding on Deeply Studying the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Speech on April 13.”

The Paper ( noted that Liu Cigui mentioned in his speech, “Some online discussions are about opening casinos, engaging in gambling, liberalizing horse racing, or copying the capitalist system and implementing full private ownership. These are out of touch with national conditions and reality and are absolutely not allowed.”

In the sixth point of his speech, “Understanding of Deepening Reform in Hainan”, Liu Cigui said, “Reform and opening up is the soul of the special economic zone and a key move in the development of Hainan. General Secretary Xi pointed out that the special economic zone should become an important window, experimental platform, pioneer and doer of reform and opening up, requiring Hainan to plan and promote reform from a higher starting point, make great efforts to eliminate the drawbacks of the system and mechanism, continuously liberate and develop social productivity, and strive to provide more replicable and popularizable experiences for the whole country. At present, the complexity, sensitivity and difficulty of our reform are no less than the establishment of the province and the establishment of the special economic zone 30 years ago. There is no way out if we stick to the old ways, and we will miss the opportunity if we shrink back. We must deeply understand General Secretary Xi’s requirements for comprehensively deepening reform, focusing on trial and exploration in the reform of the system and mechanism.”

Liu Cigui mentioned in his speech that Hainan should deepen reforms, focus on trial and exploration in institutional and mechanism reforms, adhere to the combination of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, adhere to problem-oriented and demand-oriented, focus on key points and do a good job in supporting facilities:

“First, we must adhere to the combination of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts. General Secretary Xi pointed out that the process of reform and opening up is the process of emancipating the mind; without great emancipation of the mind, there will be no great breakthrough in reform. We must dare to break through the mindset and the rules and regulations of the interest barriers, dare to take risks, dare to be the first, and take the road that others have not taken, so as to reap different scenery. However, emancipating the mind is not a fantasy that is divorced from national conditions, nor is it a subjective imagination behind closed doors, nor is it a reckless and lawless act; the purpose of emancipating the mind is to better seek truth from facts. For example, some discussions on the Internet want to open casinos, engage in gambling, open horse racing, or copy the capitalist system and engage in full private ownership. These are divorced from national conditions and reality and are absolutely not allowed. We must adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the organic unity of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, proceed from national conditions and reality, summarize successful domestic practices and learn from useful foreign experiences, boldly explore and be down-to-earth, dare to take risks, boldly practice, produce more results in institutional and mechanism innovation, and shoulder the responsibility of the special zone.

“Second, we must adhere to problem-oriented and demand-oriented approaches. Reform is not about moaning without illness or reforming for the sake of reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must adhere to problem-oriented approaches, start with the issues that the masses care about, and change the issues that the masses are dissatisfied with. We must dare to be tough and brave, and have the courage to solve problems and overcome difficulties. We must bite off some more hard bones in eliminating the drawbacks of the system and mechanism and adjusting the deep-seated interest structure. The problem of the business environment is now a prominent problem reflected by enterprises and the masses. The approval procedures are complicated, inefficient, and difficult to deal with. Various “spring doors”, “glass doors”, and “invisible doors” are common, making it difficult for the people and enterprises to do things, and the institutional transaction costs are high. Therefore, we must continue to deepen the “ultra-simple approval” reform under the “multi-regulation integration”, orderly promote the “six pilot” reform measures to the parks across the province, implement the online “one-stop service”, and realize that simple matters, frequently handled matters, and matters that can be shared and realized do not need to be run once; fully implement the enterprise self-registration system and the simple cancellation system to maximize the autonomy of enterprises.

“Third, we must insist on grasping the key points and doing a good job in supporting facilities. Reform is not a one-size-fits-all approach, we must identify and grasp the key points. How to find the key points? General Secretary Xi pointed out that we must persist in finding the drawbacks of the system and mechanism behind the problems that are of general concern to the people, strongly reflected, and recurring, and identify the key points and breakthroughs for deepening reform. At present, our focus is to accelerate the reform of the system and mechanism for urban-rural integrated development, the talent system, the fiscal and taxation system, the income distribution system, state-owned enterprises, agricultural reclamation, and the reform of party and government institutions. In the process of promoting reform, we must also strengthen the systematic integration of reform measures and scientifically allocate resources from all aspects. For example, in the provincial “multi-plan integration” reform, if the land attributes are not accurately identified, the first button will be buttoned incorrectly, and subsequent administrative approvals, project arrangements, and long-term plans will deviate. On the premise of accurately optimizing the ecological protection red line, basic farmland, and urban development boundaries, we must establish a normalized and real-time inspection mechanism and strengthen hierarchical planning control. All future project layouts must not violate the plan. We must start from We will implement the high standards and high quality requirements of the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Pilot Zone one by one, one by one. For example, many of our reform measures are to delegate power, but we should not let it go, but strengthen supervision during and after the event on the premise of “being able to control it”. This must be supported by government big data, to create a credit information platform with complete data, full functions, intelligence and efficiency, and to improve the cross-departmental and cross-field joint incentive mechanism for trustworthiness and joint punishment mechanism for dishonesty. For example, in institutional reform, an important principle is to adhere to optimization, coordination and efficiency, enhance the leadership of the Party, improve the execution of the government, straighten out the relationship between the Party and government institutions, improve work efficiency, ensure smooth and enforceable government orders, and promote cross-field, cross-departmental and cross-level comprehensive law enforcement cooperation under the framework of “multiple regulations in one”, and at the same time, we must coordinate and plan the reform of municipal and county institutions. There are many tasks, tight time and high requirements. We must strengthen coordination and support, complete this reform with high quality, and make new explorations for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. “

Later, Liu Cigui concluded, “Reform is a new revolution. It changes the system and mechanism and affects the vested interests. It will not work without real actions. The provincial party committee will clearly support reformers, give important positions to cadres who dare to take responsibility, and create a good social environment and public opinion atmosphere for reform.”-MK sports

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