MK sports-Philippine digital gaming giant maintains steady operations


DigiPlus Interactive Corp., a leading digital gaming company in the Philippines, would like to inform its players and stakeholders that its business operations remain unaffected by the Philippine government’s blanket ban on offshore gaming operators (Pogos), and that it continues to provide players with an uninterrupted gaming experience.

In an official announcement released on Wednesday, DigiPlus made it clear that as a digital gaming operator that follows a strict legal framework and has physical branches to support it, its business model is fundamentally different from that of Pogo, which is affected by the ban. Andy Tsui, the company’s president, stressed: “DigiPlus is not Pogo, nor is it a BC license holder. Our legal status ensures the continued stability of our business.”

Tsui further explained that DigiPlus is authorized to operate a variety of businesses including traditional and electronic bingo, electronic betting, sports betting, specialty games and poker, and each business holds the corresponding license. He assured local gaming enthusiasts: “DigiPlus loyal users have nothing to worry about. Your platform will continue to operate stably 24/7 as always, and the President’s latest statement will not have any impact on us.”-MK sports

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