MK sports-Telsey Consulting Group: It is estimated that Japan’s gaming industry generates $23.8 billion in tax revenue for the country each year

MK sports-Telsey Consulting Group: It is estimated that Japan’s gaming industry generates $23.8 billion in tax revenue for the country each year

Chris Jones’s analysis report titled “The Huge Potential of Japan’s Gambling Market” covers a lot of things, including how much tax revenue the Japanese gaming industry will bring to the government in the future.

Chris Jones, a senior consultant from Telsey Consulting Group, recently published a 44-page analysis report titled “The Huge Potential of Japan’s Gambling Market”. Jones estimates that Japan’s gaming industry will bring $23.8 billion in tax revenue to the country each year, accounting for 0.4% of its total GDP. This is not much different from the proportion of casino tax revenue to total GDP in the United States.

Although 23.8 billion is an optimistic figure, a conservative estimate is that there will be 16.5 billion US dollars, most of which may come from Tokyo, because Tokyo’s market size can build two casinos. One costs 8 billion, and the other spans Tokyo Bay and is slightly smaller. These two casinos will bring the government 10 billion US dollars in tax revenue each year.×280&×90%2C728x90%2C320x100%2C336x280%2C0x0&nras=2&correlator=1305612469729&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=157063566.1720988985&ga_sid=1721882352&ga_hid=327967469&ga_fc=1&u_tz=480&u_his=3&u_h=1080&u_w=1920&u_ah=1040&u_aw=1920&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=8&adx=396&ady=1357&biw=1903&bih=953&scr_x=0&scr_y=300&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759837%2C31085513%2C95331688%2C95334525%2C95334828%2C95337026%2C95337868%2C95338249%2C31085601%2C31084487%2C31078663%2C31078665%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&pvsid=1352823265637514&tmod=235952277&uas=0&nvt=3&!6&btvi=2&fsb=1&dtd=180

Meanwhile, a $6 billion casino in Osaka would generate $3.8 billion in tax revenue for the government each year if it were put into operation, and building some large regional casinos in Hokkaido and Kyushu would also generate $1.8 billion in revenue for the government each year.

However, Jones said that the development of Japan’s casino industry will also encounter many obstacles. First, the government has set a goal: the number of tourists in the country will exceed 18 million in 2016 and increase to 25 million by 2020. Even if the right to host the 2020 Olympics is obtained, this goal will be difficult to achieve.

Jones also pointed out how city casinos would affect the economic development of surrounding areas. The analysis also mentioned that Japan would take away one-third of South Korea’s gaming market share, which would force South Korea to adopt a more relaxed policy on “local residents’ participation in gambling games.”

MK sports-UK H2 Gambling Capital: Chinese gamblers lost $76 billion in 2013

MK sports-UK H2 Gambling Capital: Chinese gamblers lost $76 billion in 2013

The upcoming World Cup is a festival for fans as well as gamblers. According to industry statistics in 2013, the global gambling market has reached 440 billion US dollars. Although the scale of legal sports betting is relatively small, about 30 billion US dollars, the scale of illegal sports betting is 20 times that of the legal market. It is estimated that the scale of the entire sports betting industry is as high as 700 billion to 1 trillion US dollars. So where does such a huge amount of gambling funds come from?×280&×90%2C728x90%2C320x100%2C336x280%2C0x0&nras=2&correlator=3372803224064&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=157063566.1720988985&ga_sid=1721882352&ga_hid=471622216&ga_fc=1&u_tz=480&u_his=2&u_h=1080&u_w=1920&u_ah=1040&u_aw=1920&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=8&adx=396&ady=1842&biw=1903&bih=953&scr_x=0&scr_y=200&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759837%2C44795922%2C95334526%2C95334830%2C95337869%2C95338262%2C31085601%2C31084487%2C31078663%2C31078665%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&pvsid=1504395867618482&tmod=235952277&uas=0&nvt=1&!6&btvi=3&fsb=1&dtd=159

According to data released by the British H2 Gambling Capital Company, Australia is the country with the most gambling losses in the world, with each adult Australian losing more than $1,000 on average in 2013. Singaporeans lost more than $900 per person on average, second only to Australians. Finns ranked third. Due to the large population of mainland China, only a few people can go abroad for legal gambling, so the amount of money lost per capita did not make the top 20.

In terms of overall size, the United States is the world’s largest gambling market. In 2013, Americans lost a total of $119 billion, accounting for a quarter of the world’s gamblers. However, the market share of the US gambling industry has dropped from nearly a third 10 years ago to a quarter. Although the American people have a high participation rate in gambling, the per capita gambling amount is not the highest, and the revenue that American casinos get from individual guests is also much inferior to that of other regions. Mainland China is closely behind the United States. In 2013, its gamblers lost a total of $76 billion overseas, jumping from the 10th largest market in 2011 to the second largest. It is estimated that mainland China will surpass the United States in 2020 and become the largest gambling market.

Since gambling outside of the mainland is illegal except for official lotteries, gambling abroad has become an important outlet for Chinese gamblers. Many Asian countries regard Chinese guests as gods of wealth and try their best to attract Chinese guests, and the generosity of Chinese guests also makes casinos profitable. The biggest profit from Chinese gamblers’ overseas gambling is Macau. Driven by Chinese tourists, Macau’s gambling revenue has hit new highs in recent years, and in 2006 it surpassed Las Vegas, the gambling city of the United States, to become the world’s number one gambling city. According to official statistics from Macau, in 2013, a total of 29.3248 million tourists traveled to Macau, of which 63.53% were Chinese tourists. In the same year, gambling revenue reached US$45 billion, an increase of 18.6% over the previous year. This amount is more than four times the gambling revenue of US$10.396 billion in Nevada, the most developed gambling industry in the United States last year. In addition, Macau’s revenue from each gambler is as high as US$1,354, far exceeding the two major congested cities in the United States, Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Other countries in the Asia-Pacific region have also benefited from this, such as Australia, the Philippines, and South Korea.-MK sports

An illegal online gambling payment platform was set up in the Philippines, 11.8 billion was laundered, and more than 66 million was earned. The main culprit was sentenced to 13 years in prison!

An illegal online gambling payment platform was set up in the Philippines, 11.8 billion was laundered, and more than 66 million was earned. The main culprit was sentenced to 13 years in prison!

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In 2016, Wang worked at a gaming company in the Philippines and was exposed to the Internet payment business. He found that there was a lot of profit in overseas QR code payment, so he spent 40,000 yuan to buy the backend source code of the payment system online, rented a server from Microsoft in the United States for data storage, and tried to do overseas payment business.

In February 2017, Wang found his high school classmates Shan and Gu, and together they went to the Philippines to set up Duobao Payment Company to engage in “fourth-party payment” business. Shan was responsible for technology and Gu was responsible for operations.

Wang targeted illegal websites such as gambling and private lotteries in his business development. Since third-party platforms such as Alipay and WeChat Tenpay have strict regulatory mechanisms, illegal websites cannot access them, which became a business opportunity for “Duobao Payment”.

Duobao purchased a large number of business licenses and account opening permits of companies that were not actually operating through illegal means, and bound bank cards to third-party payment platforms such as Alipay, WeChat, Taobao, Pinduoduo, and to open “merchant accounts”. It then connected Philippine gambling websites with third-party payment platforms through payment codes to provide top-up services for gamblers. This type of business is known in the industry as “fourth-party payment.”

When a gambler wants to top up on a gambling website, Duobao Payment will pass the information to a third-party payment platform, which will generate a payment code. After the gambler scans the code and pays, the third-party platform will transfer the money to the “merchant account” applied for by Duobao Payment. Duobao Payment will then transfer the money from the “merchant account” to the gambler’s gambling platform account, thus completing the gambling fund top-up. If the gambler wants to withdraw cash, he or she can do the reverse operation.

In more than three years, Duobao Payment has purchased more than 6,000 sets of company information and opened 1,174 merchant accounts. It has grown from a profit of more than 7 million yuan a year when it first started to an annual profit of nearly 40 million yuan. The office location has also moved from a private house in Manila, Philippines to a high-end office building.

As of the time of the incident, the amount involved in Duobao Payment reached more than 11.8 billion yuan. By charging 0.14%-0.3% in handling fees and account opening fees from the amount recharged by gamblers, the “total profit” was as high as more than 66 million yuan. Wang personally also made an illegal profit of more than 40 million yuan.

After trial, the Intermediate People’s Court of Yiyang City, Hunan Province sentenced Wang to 13 years in prison and a fine of 43.29 million yuan for illegal business operation. The other gang members were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 8 years to 1 year and 6 months and fines of varying amounts.

Article 225 (3) of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates that anyone who illegally operates securities, futures, or insurance business, or illegally engages in fund payment and settlement business, without the approval of the relevant state authorities, shall be guilty of illegal business operation.

Upon investigation, it was found that after the defendant built the Duobao payment platform, he obtained a payment channel by opening merchants on the third-party payment platform, and carried out technical docking with illegal websites such as gambling and the third-party payment platform respectively, so that the fund recharge information of the gambling website was connected with the third-party payment platform, and a payment channel was built between the gambling website and the third-party payment platform, so that the fund recharge and withdrawal of gamblers and gambling websites could be completed, realizing the payment settlement of funds.

The defendant’s illegal payment and settlement activities without the approval of the financial regulatory authorities and without obtaining a “Payment Business License” are in line with the provisions of Article 1 (4) “Other circumstances of engaging in fund payment and settlement business” of the “Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Illegal Engagement in Fund Payment and Settlement Business and Illegal Foreign Exchange Trading”, and with reference to Article 18 of the “Minutes of the Symposium on Handling Internet Financial Crime Cases” of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, it should be determined as the crime of illegal business operation.

MK sports-Philippines immigration bureau plans to deport gaming workers by year end

MK sports-Philippines immigration bureau plans to deport gaming workers by year end


On November 4, local time, Dana Sandoval, spokesperson for the Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI), said that the authorities plan to deport most of the foreign nationals under temporary supervision in December who were previously found to be working in the illegally operated Philippine offshore gaming companies (POGOs).

The spokesperson said that they hope to repatriate more than 300 foreigners in December, most of whom are from China.

In September, the Philippine authorities arrested/rescued a total of 372 foreign employees working in illegal online gaming companies in multiple operations, of which 27 have been deported. The first batch of 6 Chinese were deported on October 19, while another batch of 21 Chinese were deported on November 2.

“We hope to maximize the implementation of repatriation or deportation to relieve the congestion in our detention facilities,” Sandoval said.

When asked why the deportations were divided into batches, she replied: “We have to wait for their embassy to issue their travel documents, but there is no exact execution time for the third batch of deportation procedures.”

MK sports-The 2022 World Cup will see over $160 billion in bets. Which teams are the most favored?

MK sports-The 2022 World Cup will see over $160 billion in bets. Which teams are the most favored?The 2022 World Cup will see over $160 billion in bets. Which teams are the most favored?


The safest bet during the 2022 FIFA World Cup is that the soccer tournament will draw a lot of money from punters around the world. Bettors—both professional and amateur—are expected to place bets on the world’s biggest soccer tournament in excess of the €136 billion (nearly $160 billion, based on exchange rates at the time) that was spent on the 2018 tournament.

Andreas Krannich, managing director of integrity services at sports data provider Sportradar, said: “On average, we expect more than €1 billion in bets per match at the Qatar World Cup. The betting market is developing globally. We expect this figure to be higher than at the Russia World Cup.”

This year’s World Cup will be hosted by Qatar and will open on Friday, November 18. The World Cup is held every four years and is usually held in the summer, but due to Qatar’s hot climate, this year’s World Cup will be held in the fall. The entire schedule will have 64 games, and the final to determine the champion will be held on December 18.

In the United States, where sports betting is legal in 31 states — 19 of which allow mobile sports betting — punters can expect to bet on football like never before.

According to a study released by the American Gaming Association, an estimated 20.5 million adults in the United States will bet $1.8 billion on the 2022 World Cup. With the U.S. men’s national team once again participating in the World Cup, this year is expected to be the year with the most World Cup bets in U.S. history. “It’s safe to say that this will be the most betted soccer event in U.S. gambling history,” said Casey Clark, senior vice president of the AGA. “The world’s largest sporting event will attract more attention than ever before.”

The reason for the high level of attention is simple: 29 US states have launched legal sports betting markets since 2018. In May of that year, just two months before the football championship, the US Supreme Court struck down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), which effectively made it legal for states to set up their own sports betting markets. At the time, only Nevada (which has had legal sports betting since 1949), New Jersey, and Delaware (which launched a legal sports betting market in June 2018) were operating football betting.

At the Superbook betting station in Westgate, Las Vegas, station manager John Murray also expects this World Cup to set records. “We can be sure that this World Cup will be the largest in the history of American gambling. There is no doubt that this will be the first World Cup after the repeal of PASPA.”

In the long-term betting market, Argentina attracted the most bets as Messi announced that this year would be his last World Cup. “We bet more on Argentina than any other team, including the United States and Mexico,” said John Murray. “It’s really shocking and extraordinary. We pushed the odds of long-term bets from 12:1 all the way to 9:2.”

John Murray says England is generally popular among punters, while France, who won the 2018 World Cup, should receive more bets than Argentina. Five-time World Cup champions Brazil remain the favorite to win, with odds of +325 (or 13:4).

“Some great players can’t even make the World Cup squad because Brazil’s squad is so full,” said John Murray.

The so-called Golden Boot favorites (the player who scores the most goals in the tournament) are also full of familiar names. England’s Harry Kane is 10:1 and France’s Kylian Mbappé is 10:1. Messi’s odds have also dropped from 18:1 to 10:1, which is because he attracts so many bets. As for the Golden Boot underdogs? American player Christian Pulisic is currently 100:1, while Brandon Erickson has the highest odds at 250:1. The “dumb money” or, to put it nicely, the public’s money is betting on Argentina to win it all. The United States has also received quite a few bets. John Murray said: “The public always likes to bet on the United States, and although I would like to see them win the tournament, it is almost impossible. Argentina is the most popular bet here.”

Germany, the 2014 European Championship winner, attracted the third most bettors. From a dollar perspective, the United States and South Korea are the biggest risks for Superbook. Neither team is likely to do well in the tournament, but Superbook will lose millions of dollars. Argentina is a big risk for sportsbooks in terms of what could happen.

John Murray said: “When I think about risk, I only care about teams that I think can actually win. In this case, for the World Cup, Argentina is a risk – they can obviously win the tournament. Uruguay also has the ability to make a big run. “

However, the smart ones don’t usually make long-term bets. Some professional gamblers bet that Canada will beat Belgium in the first match on November 23, but the smartest gambler on the Superbook (which usually bets on football) bet $5,000 on Spain winning the whole game at 9:1.

John Murray said: “Based on his bets, we cut the odds to 8:1. Our odds were probably the best in the city and Spain was always one of the best teams on the field.”

Sportsbook DraftKings is also gearing up for a big move. This will be the company’s first time betting on the World Cup. Johnny Avello, DraftKings’ head of tournaments and sportsbook, also named Brazil as the favorite with odds of +350 (or 7 to 2), attracting the most bets. But Argentina attracted the most money, accounting for 26% of the total volume at odds of +550 (11 to 2). The company’s biggest risk is the United States, with odds of 130 to 1. “It’s not surprising, people want to cheer for their country’s team. The United States is our biggest exposure.”

The countries with the highest odds as underdogs are Saudi Arabia and Costa Rica, both at 800:1.

Soccer has a smaller audience in the U.S. than American football. The National Football Association found that a record 46.6 million Americans said they planned to bet on NFL games this season, up 3% year-over-year and nearly double the number of Americans who bet on soccer games.

While the majority of people surveyed by the AGA (78%) said legal gambling was important, 4.1 million (20%) said they would still gamble through a bookmaker this year. With 19 states still not allowing sports betting, overseas sportsbooks and local bookmakers are also likely to set records at this World Cup.-MK sports-The 2022 World Cup will see over $160 billion in bets. Which teams are the most favored?

MK Sports Customer Service-How to judge the over/under of the five major leagues

MK Sports Customer Service-How to judge the over/under of the five major leagues

MK Sports Customer Service-How to judge the over/under of the five major leagues



League Over/Under and Handicap Analysis

MK Sports Customer Service -Each league has its own unique characteristics, so there will be differences in over/under and handicaps. We try to use these differences to make judgments and distinctions. 


The Bundesliga is known for its strong offense, so usually the over/under odds are set at 2.5 goals with low odds or 2.5/3 goals with even odds. In some games with outstanding offensive capabilities, the odds may be set at 3 goals with even odds. If the Bundesliga over/under odds are set at 2/2.5 goals with even odds on a certain day, you need to be cautious because it is obviously biased towards under-goals.

Premier League

Premier League teams have smooth offense and relatively weak defense, so the over/under handicap is basically similar to that of the Bundesliga.

Serie A, Ligue 1

Serie A and Ligue 1 teams are usually more conservative in defense, so the opening odds for Over/Under are usually 2/2.5 goals, which is a reasonable setting. Of course, unless it is a match with a clear difference in strength, such as Lyon vs. Llorente, or AC Milan vs. Torino, etc. Apart from these matches with a huge difference in strength, if the Over/Under odds are opened at 2.5 goals, which is slightly lower than the Over odds, you need to consider the possibility of choosing the Over odds.

La Liga

La Liga teams have different styles, some are good at defense, while others are more focused on offense, such as Real Madrid, Barcelona and Athletic. Therefore, when facing these offensive teams, the over/under handicap is usually opened close to 3 goals; on the contrary, when facing other mid-stream teams, the over/under handicap is generally 2/2.5 goals on both sides. Therefore, if Real Madrid plays against a mid-stream team one day, the over/under handicap opens at 2.5 goals, you may need to consider choosing under; on the contrary, if two mid-stream teams play against each other, the over/under handicap opens at 2.5 goals, you may need to consider choosing over.

MK Sports Customer Service

To get more latest odds and event analysis about major leagues, please contact MK Sports Customer Service. Our professional team is always ready to provide you with support and help to ensure that you enjoy the best sports betting experience.


The over/under and handicap settings of different leagues reflect their respective game styles and team characteristics. Understanding these differences can help us make betting decisions more accurately.

The Book of Oz: A Fantastic Journey Across Mountains and Seas

The Book of Oz: A Fantastic Journey Across Mountains and Seas

Happy life, happy games, this is the 

MK Sports editorial department. Just this week, a slot machine suddenly became popular. We tried this Book of Oz slot game as soon as possible and brought you the detailed information of this Book of Oz slot game.

game introduction

The Book of Oz takes players across mountains and seas, the game is full of Super Stacked Wilds, Splashing Wild turns the reels into Wilds, and Rolling Reels™ continue to work hard to ensure players have continuous winning opportunities.

Game Guide

The Book of Oz by MK Sports is a 5-reel, 3-row slot game.The deposit line combination bonus is multiplied by the line bet to calculate the line winning reward.For a regular symbol combination to qualify as a line winning combination, it must meet the following criteria.These symbols must be adjacent to each other on a payline.Winning combinations are awarded when symbols are arranged from left to right. Winning payline combinations must start at the leftmost position on a payline and be arranged in adjacent positions on the payline.

Special symbols and function record pad

Unlike other slot machines, The Book of Oz from MK Sports Platform has drawn on a lot of experience to make improvements and added many new features.

Wild Symbol Rules

1. Wild symbol is wild and scattered symbol2. Only 1 winning combination is paid out per payline. If there are multiple possible winning combinations on a payline, only the value of the highest combination will be paid out to you.

Scatter Symbol Rules

1. When 3, 4 or 5 Scatter symbols appear anywhere on the reels, players will win the Scatter symbol winning combination.2.3, 4 or 5 scatter symbols trigger 10, 12 or 25 free spins respectively3. Scatter symbol combinations only pay the highest win4. Scatter symbol wins are added to line wins

Free Spins Rules

When 3, 4 or 5 Scatter symbols appear, you will win 10, 12 or 25 Free Spins respectively.1. 3, 4 or 5 scatter symbols appearing anywhere on the reels trigger free spins2. You will win an expansion symbol randomly at the start of the free spins. You cannot win the original expansion of the wild symbol.3. Each Expanding Symbol expands to cover the reels and wins when the same symbol appears anywhere on a line.4. Only participation will be expanded if it constitutes a new win. Expanded wins are calculated separately from normal free spin wins.5. When 3, 4 or 5 scatter symbols appear on the reels, you will win 10, 12 or 25 free spins respectively.6. All bets placed on the free spins are the same as the spin that activated the free spins.7. Free spins can be triggered again.

Pay to Spin

1. After each basic spin, you can choose to spin a reel any number of times and have a chance to win a prize2. You can spin one more reel at a time3. Each additional spin will be charged an additional fee.4. Only wins associated with respins are paid5. Changing your bet will affect the calculation of the respin fee. Therefore, if you change your bet after a spin, the respin feature will be disabled until your next spin.6. Respins are only enabled after the first spin in the base game7. Respins will be disabled on the first spin after completing the feature8. The cost of respins is the average payout per reel divided by the target respin RTP9. Respin costs are rounded to the nearest cent, which may be lower than the expected respin RTP10. All respins costing .01 have 0% RTP and allow players to arrange symbols for future winning combinations


The above is MK Sports’ complete introduction to 

the Book of Oz slot game. For more detailed content, you are welcome to enter the game experience. If players have other slot games they want to know about, or want to learn about slot-related knowledge, they can check MK Sports’ historical articles or consult MK Sports directly.

Analysis of the 5 basic ways to play football betting

Analysis of the 5 basic ways to play football betting

Hello everyone, welcome to “Sports Betting – Football”! I am Yuyu, the brand ambassador of RescueBet. Before we start, please be sure to click the “Follow” button below the video so that we can remind you of the video update at any time to avoid you missing any exciting content. Nowadays, there are more and more football matches, and the opening methods are also varied. In addition to the general betting on win, loss, and draw, in fact, all major websites have a variety of betting methods. Today I will introduce the 5 most basic football betting methods.

1. Betting on win, loss or draw

The most common way to play is to bet on a team in the game, betting on whether the team will win, lose, or tie at the end of the game.

2. Handicap win, loss, draw


3. Score prediction

The so-called score prediction is to directly guess the final score of the game. For example, if you predict that the final result is 3 points for Team A and 2 points for Team B, and the final score is 3:2, then you win the prize. Of course, score prediction is the most difficult to win among all the games because of the large number of variables. However, the bonus reward for score prediction is very huge. If you have a unique vision and some luck, you can win a high amount of bonus with very little money.

4. Half-time and full-time win, loss and draw

This is an advanced version of the win, lose, draw method, which uses the first 45 minutes of the first half and the full 90 minutes of the game as nodes to bet on the results of the first half and the full game. For example, you can bet on a team to win in the first half and lose at the full time, or to draw in the first half and win at the full time, and so on.

5. Total goals

Simply put, it is to predict the total number of goals shot into the goal in a game. Because it is predicting the total number of goals, this method of playing has nothing to do with the team’s win, loss, draw, or who has a higher score. As long as the home and away team’s total score is the same as your prediction, you can win money. It is worth mentioning that the total goals bet does not include the score in overtime or penalty kicks, so you don’t have to worry about any variables after the 90-minute key ring.

That’s all for today. I hope it helps you. In the next episode, we will discuss the five things you should avoid when betting on football. For more details, please follow us. See you next time!

How to play Baccarat: Baccarat playing rules and card drawing rules explained

How to play Baccarat: Baccarat playing rules and card drawing rules explained

Baccarat is an interesting gambling game that relies entirely on probability. If we talk about the most famous movie scene of Baccarat, it must be the well-known James Bond! Baccarat is a simple and slow-paced gambling game, which is very suitable for novice players; no game strategy or skills are required. In addition, Baccarat is one of the gambling games with the highest winning rate in the casino.

Purpose of playing Baccarat

Essentially, Baccarat is a simple game that relies entirely on guessing. Players only need to bet on one of two parties (banker or player), and the party whose guess is closest to 9 wins.

Distribution of Baccarat

Before you play, learn about Baccarat’s game elements and terminology.

Poker Table

Depending on how Baccarat is played, the table will have 7 to 14 seats for players, plus an area for the dealer. Regardless of how many players are seated, cards are only dealt to two sides: the player and the banker. Players do not own their own cards; and each player has his or her own betting area.

Three betting areas

At the table, each player has a corresponding number, and under each number there are three betting boxes, representing the Player, Banker, and Tie respectively.

Licensing Officer Area

The dealer will deal the cards at the beginning of the game. The dealer will stand in the middle of the table facing all the players so that he can touch every corner of the table.

How to calculate points in Baccarat

Baccarat points are calculated differently than most other games. One of the unique rules is that nine is the highest point, and a hand can never be higher than nine. Here is how to calculate the points of Baccarat cards.

10, J, Q, K cards are all counted as zero points

Cards with numbers 2-9 are scored according to their face value.

Ace counts as one point

Points Accumulation Method

Once the total of all the points on the cards exceeds 9, only the value on the last digit will be used as the total point.

According to the above principle, let’s look at an example. If the sum of the points on the cards is 10, it is counted as 0; if the sum of the points on the cards is 11, it is counted as 1; if the sum of the points on the cards is 12, it is counted as 2, and so on. In other words, after the total points reach 10, the digits in the tens place will be automatically discarded, and the total points will be counted based on the value of the ones digit.

So, if you have 9 and 6 cards in your hand, adding them up to 15, you only have 5 points in your hand. You only win if you bet on the number closest to 9.

Understanding How to Split the Cards

Once the bets are placed, the dealer will deal a total of four cards: First, one card will be dealt to the player. The next card will be dealt to the banker. This will repeat once, leaving the banker and player with two cards each.

How to win

Regardless of whether you are the banker or the player, if the total points of the first two cards are 8 or 9, you win the game. This is called a regular card win. At this point, the game ends and the player is compensated.

Under what circumstances will the third card be dealt?

If either player’s total does not reach 8 or 9, the dealer will add cards to the Banker and/or Player hand depending on the points. However, the rules for when the third card is dealt are very clear.

Rules for the Player to Draw a Third Card

In the rules of Baccarat, the player always has priority. The banker’s hand will depend on the player’s hand. Here are the specific rules:

If the player’s total is 8 or 9, it is a standard win and no cards are drawn. The player wins.

When the player’s total points are 6 or 7, no cards are drawn.

When the player’s total points are any number between 0 and 5, the player draws a card as long as the dealer’s total points are not 8 or 9. If the dealer’s points are 8 or 9 at this time, the dealer wins and the player does not draw a card.

There are also special rules for the dealer’s third card. It’s not something you need to remember.

Rules for the dealer to draw the third card

When the total points of the dealer’s first two cards are:

0, 1 or 2 points: Unless the Player gets a natural hand totaling 8 or 9, the Banker draws.

3 points: If the third card drawn by the Player is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 9 points, the Banker draws a card.

When the player draws an 8, the banker does not draw a card.

4 points: When the third card drawn by the player is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 points, the banker draws a card.

When the player draws a card with a value of 0, 1, 8 or 9, the banker does not draw a card.

5 points: When the third card drawn by the player is 4, 5, 6 or 7 points, the banker draws a card.

When the player draws a card with a value of 0, 1, 2, 3, 8 or 9, the banker does not draw a card.

6 points: When the third card drawn by the player is 6 or 7 points, the banker draws a card.

When the player draws a card of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or 9, the banker does not draw a card.

7 points: Neither player draws a card.

8 or 9 points: No third card is drawn on either side of the regular number.

Learn how to win or lose

After the cards are dealt, the player with the total points closest to 9 wins. Neither the banker nor the player will draw a fourth card. If the total points of both players are the same, there is no winner and the game ends in a tie. The dealer will count the winners and losers and make compensation.

The dealer will take a 5% commission if the banker wins. Of course, you can also choose the commission-free mode. In the commission-free mode, the odds of the banker winning are 1 to 1, but if the banker wins by six points, he will only win half of the bet amount, commonly known as the banker six.